Main duties

PDMSh surgeons work at stabilisation locations, conducting all measures necessary to stabilise the wounded and prepare them for further transportation to medical facilities. 

Obligatory requirements
  1. preparation, provision of emergency medical care, and stabilisation
  2. preparation of the wounded for their further transportation to medical facilities
Working conditions
  1. medical diploma
  2. valid medical license
  3. specialised experience, including with emergency patients
  4. willingness to work in dangerous and stressful conditions.
Working conditions
  1. work in combat zones
  2. month-long rotations
  3. accommodation, meals, body armor, helmet, IFAK provided
  4. we provide everything you need to work
  1. a motivated and professional team.
  2. providing an opportunity to combine rotations with civilian work.
  3. the secondment request letter is on us, as well as a certificate of duties fulfilled per request. 
What do you need to join the PDMSH?

Fill out the volunteer application on our website: Then, based on current needs, a PDMSH HR manager will contact you and provide further instructions.

I want to join the PDMSH, but what about my job?

The procedure for seconding medical workers from medical institutions to the PDMSH is regulated by the Ministry of Health Order No. 814. If we have confirmed your participation in the rotation, we will send a letter to your management in order to facilitate your secondment. At work, you should inform your supervisor of your desire to join the PDMSH and write a corresponding application. Your HR department will then issue an order for your secondment. Therefore, you will keep your job and salary. It's your supervisor who decides whether to second you.

Do PDMSH volunteers receive a salary?

PDMSH volunteers work exclusively on a voluntary basis, without salary or other material rewards. However, PDMSH volunteers receive an entire board and lodging, ammunition for the duration of the rotation, an individual IFAK first-aid kit, and everything needed to exercise the duties of one's role within the rotation. If you are legally seconded, your salary at your place of work will be retained.

Is it necessary to have a medical education?

Medics in the PDMSH are exclusively those with medical education and valid medical certificates. Relevant education is not required if you plan to join the PDMSH as a driver, mechanic, or cook, as your skills and experience will be taken into account in this case.

What is the duration of the rotations?

The rotation in the PDMSH lasts one month.

Can a volunteer choose the direction in which they will work?

The rotation manager decides on the distribution of volunteers according to the current needs in specific areas. If reinforcement is needed in another direction, the volunteer's place of work may be changed directly during the rotation.

Where are you located?

We work on the front lines, saving the lives of wounded and civilians. Before leaving for the rotation, we conduct a coordination meeting in Kyiv, to which we invite volunteers who have agreed to participate. To get on the rotation, you are to leave an application at this link: Registration for the rotation takes place online.

Who can I talk to?

Call the PDMSH hotline: 0800334903