Privacy Policy


"Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital Charitable Foundation”
(hereinafter referred to as the Policy)

This Privacy Policy and the procedure for processing personal data the Pirogov First Volunteer Hospital Charitable Foundation, Ukraine, Kyiv, 11 Avtozavodska St., Bldg. 108, EDRPOU 39932886 (hereinafter referred to as the Supplier), have been developed in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection" (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and other applicable laws of Ukraine in the field of personal data processing and information confidentiality.

This Policy comes into force on July 15, 2024, is posted on the Website and is valid until the new version of the Policy comes into force.

The Policy contains information on the procedure for processing personal data, the composition of personal data that is processed, the purpose and grounds for processing personal data, categories of personal data subjects, the Supplier's interaction with third parties, the conditions for access to personal data, contact information for the Supplier's customers to obtain access, amend or delete their personal data and address any questions that the personal data subject may have regarding the protection of their personal data, as well as requirements for security.

The Supplier shall process personal data exclusively for the purpose specified in the Policy and with the Buyer's consent.

Definition of terms  

Personal data base - a named set of ordered personal data in electronic form and/or in the form of personal data files;

Personal data base owner - an individual or legal entity that is entitled by law or with the consent of the personal data subject to process this data, which approves the purpose of processing personal data in this database, establishes the composition of this data and procedures for its processing;

Consent means a voluntary expression of will of an individual (subject to his/her awareness) to grant permission to process his/her personal data in accordance with the formulated purpose of their processing, expressed in writing or in a form that allows to conclude that consent has been granted;

Processing of personal data means any action (operation) or set of actions, including collection, recording, systematisation, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision of access), depersonalisation, blocking, deletion, destruction, etc. of personal data;

Personal data - information or a set of information about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified;

Personal data base manager is a natural or legal person who is authorised by the owner of the personal data base or the Law to process this data. A person who is entrusted by the owner and/or manager of the personal data base to carry out technical work with the personal data base without access to the content of personal data is not a personal data manager;

Website means the Supplier's software or a set of software tools used by the Supplier that allow the latter to accept, process and service orders for the remote purchase of goods/services, provide information about goods/services to the Buyers, etc.

Personal data subject means an individual whose personal data is processed;

Third party - any person, except for the personal data subject, the owner or manager of personal data and the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, to whom the owner or manager of personal data transfers personal data;

Personal data that pose a special risk - personal data on racial, ethnic and national origin; political, religious or ideological beliefs; membership in political parties and/or organizations, trade unions, religious organizations or public organizations of ideological orientation; health; sex life; biometric data; genetic data; bringing to justice administrative or criminal liability; application of measures against a person within the framework of a pre-trial investigation; application of measures against a person under the Law of Ukraine "On Operational and Investigative Activities"; commission of certain types of violence against a person; location and/or movement of a person

Categories of personal data subjects

The Supplier is the owner and controller of personal data. The place of processing of personal data is located at the Supplier's location at the address: 11 Avtozavodska St., Kyiv, Ukraine, 108. The Personal Data Controller may also be a natural or legal person who is authorized by the Supplier or by law to process Personal Data on behalf of the Supplier.

The subject of personal data is an individual who is in a pre-contractual/contractual relationship with the Supplier for the purchase of the Supplier's goods/services (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer).

The Buyer agrees that in the course of processing, the Supplier has the right to transfer his/her Personal Data to Third Parties if it is necessary to achieve the processing purposes and provided that such third parties comply with the confidentiality and security of the Buyer's personal data, namely

- LLC "EUROPEAN PAYMENT SYSTEM" EDRPOU 39269220, Ukraine, Kyiv, 03124, 4 Ivan Lepse Boulevard, Kyiv, 03124, 

Purpose and grounds for processing Personal Data

The purpose of processing the Personal Data of the Buyers is to ensure civil, tax and accounting relations, in particular, to ensure the implementation of relations in the economic sphere, to provide/receive and make payments for the purchased goods/services, to send information and marketing mailings (news, promotions, information about promotions, promotional codes and discounts, personal recommendations, personal discounts and offers) containing information about goods and/or services, advertising and commercial offers for such goods In case of change of the determined purpose of Personal Data processing to a new purpose that is incompatible with the previous one, for further processing of Personal Data, the Supplier, as the Owner and Administrator of Personal Data, shall obtain the Buyer's consent to the processing of his/her data in accordance with the changed purpose.

The basis for the processing of the Buyer's personal data is the Buyer's unconditional, indefinite and irrevocable Consent, which is provided by marking the mark on granting permission to process their personal data in accordance with the purpose of their processing / use of the Site formulated in the Policy.

By granting the Consent to the processing of his personal data, the Buyer agrees to the inclusion of his personal data in the Personal Database owned by the Supplier. The Buyer confirms that he/she has read and agrees to the terms of this Policy, the rights granted to him/her as a personal data subject in accordance with Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection", namely:

  1. to know about the sources of collection, location of their personal data, the purpose of their processing, location or place of residence (stay) of the owner or manager of personal data or to give a corresponding order to obtain this information to persons authorized by him/her, except in cases established by law;

  2. receive information about the conditions for granting access to personal data, including information about third parties to whom his/her personal data is transferred;

  3. to access their personal data;

  4. to receive, no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except in cases provided for by law, a response on whether his or her personal data is processed, as well as to receive the content of such personal data;

  5. to submit a reasoned request to the personal data controller with an objection to the processing of their personal data;

  6. submit a reasoned request to change or destroy their personal data by any owner and manager of personal data if such data is processed illegally or is unreliable;

  7. to protect their personal data from unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to intentional concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision, as well as to protect against the provision of information that is inaccurate or discrediting the honor, dignity and business reputation of an individual;

  8. file a complaint against the processing of your personal data to the Commissioner or to the court;

  9. apply legal remedies in case of violation of the legislation on personal data protection;

  10. to make reservations regarding the restriction of the right to process their personal data when giving consent;

  11. withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;

  12. know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data;

  13. to protect against an automated decision that has legal consequences for him/her.

The Buyer gives his/her consent to the Supplier for the cross-border transfer of his/her personal data and confirms that during the cross-border transfer of Personal Data, the recipients of such personal data may be located in other states.

The Supplier does not process Personal Data that is of particular risk.

Composition of personal data

The Buyer's Personal Data includes: surname, name and (if any) patronymic; - gender;

  • Citizenship; 
  • date and place of birth;
  • place of registration and place of actual residence;
  • data of the identity document;
  • information about family, social, property status;
  • unique number of the entry in the demographic register;
  • name and details of the employer or educational institution;
  • mobile phone number; 
  • e-mail address;
  • other information that the Supplier receives in connection with entering into contractual and/or pre-contractual relations with the Buyer, including during the term of such relations.

The primary sources of information about the Buyer are: documents issued in his name; documents signed by him; information provided by the Buyer about himself, including on the Website.

The Buyer undertakes to provide the Supplier with complete, accurate, reliable and up-to-date information, data and data, including personal data, and shall be fully responsible for it. The Buyer shall be liable (including criminal liability) for the use of information, data and data of third parties.

Procedure for processing personal data

The Supplier shall process personal data with the use of automation tools, as well as without the use of such tools. The Supplier shall have the right to engage Third Parties for the Processing of Personal Data, for the actions of which the Supplier shall be responsible as its own.

The storage period of personal data shall be the entire period of the contractual relationship between the Buyer and the Supplier, and the storage period shall be specified by format: 12 months after termination of the contractual relationship with the Buyer.

The Supplier shall ensure the safe storage of Personal Data using various methods and degrees of protection designed to prevent unauthorized access to Personal Data. The Supplier's information security system includes: installation of technical means of security and protection of personal data; setting passwords to all hardware and software; selection and installation of anti-virus software; other means of protection of personal data.

The Buyers' personal data shall be deleted/destroyed on the basis of a reasoned written request of the Buyer and upon expiry of the Personal Data storage period, as well as in other cases determined by the current legislation of Ukraine. Personal data shall be changed immediately in the event that information about the Buyer is found to be untrue.

The Buyer agrees that in the course of processing, the Supplier has the right to transfer his/her Personal Data to  Third Parties if it is necessary to achieve the purposes of processing and provided that such Third Parties observe the confidentiality and security of Personal Data. The transfer of Personal Data in accordance with this paragraph does not require separate consents or notifications of the Buyer and takes place without the Buyer's notice and consent to such transfer.

Access to Personal Data shall be granted to the persons performing the processing only if the said person has undertaken to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Law and is able to ensure them. Access to the Buyer's Personal Data is provided in response to a request for access to personal data, which shall include

  •  surname, first name and patronymic, place of residence (place of stay) and details of the document certifying the individual submitting the request (for an individual applicant)
  • name, location of the legal entity, EDRPOU code of the legal entity, position, surname, name and patronymic of the person certifying the request; confirmation that the content of the request corresponds to the powers of the legal entity (for the legal entity - applicant);
  • surname, name and patronymic, as well as other information that allows to identify the Buyer in respect of whom the request is made;
  • a list of requested Personal Data;
  • the purpose and/or legal grounds for the request.

The term for responding to the request is thirty calendar days from the date of its receipt, unless otherwise provided by the current legislation of Ukraine.

Privacy statement

The Buyer and the Supplier agree that any information, in written, oral, electronic, visual, graphic or any other form, provided before, during or after the pre-contractual/contractual relations between the Buyer and the Supplier shall be confidential, except for information that is generally known and/or publicly available or legally obtained from a third party without violation of the terms of this Policy.

The misuse of confidential information shall mean, in particular, but not exclusively, the use of confidential information for personal purposes not related to the cooperation of the parties, direct or indirect provision or disclosure of confidential information to third parties without the permission of the owner of such information.

The Buyer and the Supplier shall keep confidential, not disclose or disclose (orally and/or in writing, including in electronic form) each other's confidential information, as well as take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of confidential information and not use it for any unlawful purpose.

By using the Website, the Buyer agrees to the use of cookies (hereinafter referred to as Cookies). Cookies are small text files that are stored on the Buyer's device with which he/she uses the Website. Cookies are stored in the folder designated for them. Cookies allow you to save once entered data in the fields of the Site forms, so that they do not need to be entered again the next time you visit the Site or when switching between individual functions of the Site. The Buyer may reject the use of Cookies by entering a corresponding prohibition in the settings of his device. In doing so, the Buyer understands that rejection and/or prohibition of the use of Cookies on the Buyer's device may result in restriction of the use of certain functions of the Site.

By using the Website, the Buyer agrees to the Supplier's use of web analytics tools. These tools are used for general analysis of the use of the Website and obtaining initial data to improve the functionality of the Website. The information received by the Supplier while using web analytics (for example, IP address and browser type) may be transmitted in anonymous form to the server of the web analytics service, stored and processed there. By using the appropriate settings on his/her device, the Buyer may prohibit the relevant web analytics service from receiving data and storing Cookies of such services on his/her computer.

In case of any comments, requests or claims regarding the processing of personal data owned by the Supplier and the confidentiality of information, please contact the Supplier by e-mail:, or at the address: 11 Avtozavodska St., Kyiv, Ukraine, 108.