On December 15, the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PDMSh) celebrated its 10th anniversary since the first group of volunteers was deployed to the Anti-Terrorist Operation zone, as the russia-Ukraine war was then known.
The celebration gathered PDMSh veterans and active volunteers, some of whom had just returned from their regular rotations at the front. Partners and friends of the volunteer hospital also attended the ceremony.
In recognition of this milestone, PDMSh received a heartfelt thank you from General Oleksandr Syrsky, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Following the solemn raising of flags, the world's first monument honoring volunteer medics of the russia-Ukraine war—both the living and the fallen—was unveiled. Participants paid tribute to the deceased by laying flowers and lighting candles.
An award ceremony for volunteers was also held during the event.
Guests enjoyed the premiere screening of the video "PDMSh: The Road to Its First Anniversary" and had the opportunity to see the unique medical evacuation vehicle "Sherp" and the armored medical evacuation vehicle "Dzhura," for which PDMSh is still raising funds to settle with the manufacturer.